12 March 2006


Artist statement

“So many people could do so many things if they would just try, but they’re frightened off because they haven’t been trained to do this or that… I just picked up a $7.50 camera and went to work.”

– Gordon Parks
from “Black Renaissance, Gordon Parks (1912-2006)” by Mark Randolph, Waxpoetics #17 (June/July 2006), pg. 20.†


So much has happened since the last posting on February 21st I haven’t been able to keep up with it, so here is a brief rundown of highlights from the last couple of weeks to bring things up to to date before I forget what’s been going on.

Feb. 21/Vasteras: The 2×2 tour (Mats Gustafsson/David Stackenas Duo, Paal Nilssen-Love/Ken Vandermark Duo) hit its stride with a gig each night until I returned to Chicago on the 26th. Small crowd, but very focused and a pleasure to play for.

Feb. 22/Kongsberg: Mats couldn’t be at this concert so David Stackenas played a solo set after the duo set with me and Paal. It was about the best performance of solo improvised music I’ve ever heard- bloody incredible! David walked offstage to say that he hadn’t played solo for about a year and a half, but after hearing him it was pretty damn hard to believe. The three of us worked as a trio to close the evening, very provocative blend of sensibilities and well worth trying again. Martin Revheim arrived on a flight from Africa that day and still made it to the concert- now that’s a SERIOUS music fan.

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