7 July 2010


Crazy few days. Watched “The Shock Doctrine,” a some what disappointing film version of Naomi Klein’s book- almost a CliffNotes representation of the text, though how much is possible to convey in 90 minutes of the 40 year trajectory of Milton Friendman’s “economic system”? Shipped more than a dozen packages to Europe, hoping that they all arrive. Packed for the July tour in Europe (brought “Delirious New York” [Rem Koolhaas] and “A Critical Study of Philip Guston” [Dore Ashton] to read, both GREAT), flew to Warsaw where Laurence M?kinia piked me up and drove us to Poznan. Found out that the “Overlap” lps got stuck in customs at the airport, hoping that we’ll have them for the album release concert today, but the covers designed my Marek Wajda look excellent. http://www.naomiklein.org/shock-doctrine