The Vandermark 5 get our stuff back in
order and play a superb opening set in Oslo, to an absolutely packed
room (biggest crowd I’ve played to in that city in years, and tons of
energy coming back to the stage- fantastic!). Atomic performs another
superb set, and the evening closes with an improvised encore from Rempis,
Broo, Daisy, Haker-Flaten. A great night of music all around. One of
the buy generic uk exciting aspects of doing this tour together is that composers in
Atomic (particulary Wiik and Ljungkvist) are pushing towards new ideas
about form, also utilizing linear/narrative structures. Though these
results are different than the ones I’m coming up with there is a sense
of overlapping ideas and developments happening in parallel, which is
damn exciting to hear. Birthday for Elvin Jones AND Otis Redding:
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