14 August 2010


A productive day in Cambridge, MA.
Composed a new ballad, called “Whether,” for the Vandermark 5; will
transcribe parts for this and “Leap Revisited” on Sunday so the quintet
can rehearse the material on Monday to perform at our gig at Elastic on
Tuesday. Was able to find some things to photograph as I walked along
Mass Ave; look forward to getting the rolls of film developed before I
head out on tour in September and to begin archiving the digital shots
before things get out of hand. Found the first 3 studio albums of Nick
Drake finally, and also the monographs, “Staring Back,” by Chris Marker
and “Hans Hofmann Circa 1950;” look forward to finding time with all of
them. Discussions with my brother Rob- who runs Seven Cycles, Honey,
and Ride Studio- makes me feel motivated and optimistic about how to
find new ways to develop music and survive. Starting to work on a
festival featuring the Resonance Ensemble and the connection of the
members of that band to the Polish labels Not Two, Laurence Family,
Multi Kulti, and Kilogram. Resonance in Zaporozhye:
