5 May 2010


First day of double rehearsals with the Frame Quartet and the Vandermark 5- more than 15 very involved pieces of music that we haven’t had a chance to perform for more than half a year… Things went well, material coming back quickly (the advantage of playing with great and disciplined musicians). Both groups have concerts in Montreal next month, V5 also in Canada, and the quintet works each Tuesday in August at Elastic in preparation for our tour with Atomic in Europe during September…

Keith Haring’s birthday: http://www.haring.com/home.php

Rehearsals continue with the Frame Quartet and Vandermark 5, we deal with the full forms and flow charts, piecing together more of the details (cues, sequences and combinations of improvisers, phrasing, dynamics, etc.). Looking forward to fcomposing new music for the V5 and developing it at the weekly gigs in August, will need to figure out a time to record after our European tour.
Will also be writing new music for Powerhouse Sound, and want to record that group, plus the Topology project with Joe McPhee this autumn…